FMD Consultants is an independant non-for profit expert organisation working globally since 1989. It concentrates its activities on the development and implementation of participatory research and training approaches, commonly known as Participatory Action Research (PAR) and Discovery Learning. Its main emphasis has been to address new challenges that are arriving out of the implementation of the participatory approaches in the field.
Initially FMD implemented participatory approaches in the area of natural resources and social forestry. However, as interest in other sectors in the South has grown, it has also moved into water resources management, different areas of development research and the urban sector.
In the Netherlands, FMD has been engaged in the urban environment through interactive neighbourhood planning.
In addition, FMD provides training support to institutions that are seriously interested in making the PAR approach their own. In all its work FMD has been heavily inspired through its close cooperation with colleagues from the South.